Origins Of Entropy

local area considerations

Local Businesses:

Origins Of Entropy is only possible because we operate harmoniously with the local community and through these bilateral relationships we support each other.
Please consider using the local businesses and the towns around the event to shop for your weekend essentials, such as food and filling up your vehicle.

Your support helps contribute to a happy, thriving community.

Road Safety:

Road safety should be a top priority for all drivers, and as such, everyone should ensure they are well-rested and attentive before heading to or leaving the event. 

In addition, all drivers should pay close attention to the following guidelines:

  • Don’t use your phone while driving. (Prepare your playlists, download your tickets and organise your directions before leaving home)
  • Drive at a safe speed and be extra attentive on unfamiliar roads. (Make sure to adhere to the event’s temporary road signage.)
  • Do not drive while under the influence of alcohol or other substances.
    The event is held over the Easter Long Weekend and double demerits will be in place. Additionally, expect to cross paths with RBT’s & RDT’s. 

Origins Of Entroy will be partnering with Blow Me First to offer discrete and anonymous sobriety checks throughout the event. This is a great opportunity for you to check in with yourself before heading home for the night.

We want everyone to return home safely, so we encourage you to take advantage of this service. Remember, it is everybody’s responsibility to ensure that we all make smart and responsible choices and by following these simple guidelines, you can help make Origins Of Entropy a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.


Surrounding Townships:

When travelling to and from the event you will pass through many townships and it is important that you are respectful. Please be considerate when stopping in these areas and adhere to council rules and leave only a positive experience behind.
If you plan to camp before or after the event, please take a moment to plan this part of your adventure and find a suitable campground.



As with many parts of rural Australia, we are privileged with an abundance of amazing wildlife and we want to ensure that we’re not having a negative impact on them or their habitats.

Careless driving not only puts these animals at risk but also poses a danger to other road users. So please drive slowly and carefully to help reduce traffic incidents with our cute little animal buddies. 





Just don’t do it! We are all adults, and doing the right thing with our rubbish is one of the very tenets of being a functioning human being.

A minor note worth mentioning: for those bringing trailers or loading up the roof of your vehicles, please be mindful of how you tie everything down. Please take care to ensure that your loads are well secured, and you arrive at the event and back home with everything you intended.


Sneak-Ins And Trespassing 

Again, don’t do it. Sneaking in will most likely mean trespassing onto neighbouring properties, disrupting the local community and setting a bad example for the event. 

Take a moment to think about your actions and how they affect not just yourself but everyone else. 

Anyone caught trespassing or inside the event venue without a wristband will be passed onto security to be dealt with. We have a zero-tolerance policy for people who don’t want to do the right thing.

If you are struggling to afford a ticket for the event, then please consider volunteering or message the event team to discuss alternative options. 


Covid-19 Considerations: 

It is important to remember that it is on all of us to take extra care and respect our communities. This means following some simple guidelines and considerations when travelling to and from the event. 

  • If you are feeling unwell, do not visit the local townships, businesses and public venues. 
  • Before entering any local business or public venue, use sanitiser and practice good hygiene. 
  • Respect any social distancing requirements, contact tracing procedures and capacity limitations in the local businesses and public venues.
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